So traditionally, December may not be the busiest month in the property calendar but there are certain advantages to having your property listed in the run-up to the end of the year.

First of all, one of the things we notice is that potential buyers are much more serious about doing business and are actively looking. There is a much lower viewing-to-sale ratio than at other times of the year - the more speculative people are too busy having fun and leave house hunting until the New Year.

Also, the market is less frantic in December and, chances are, your property listing will stand out as a result. Furthermore, people who want to view your property will tend to have more time and be less pressured. It's holiday time!

Both sellers and buyers are likely to be super-motivated at this time of the year. Maybe they've just learned that there's a baby on the way or a new job in the pipeline - they are likely to be getting organised and planning for a change that they know is going to come. They aren't the sort who will leave things to the last minute. This is good news all round because motivated sales lead to successful transactions.

If you're selling, a top tip is to make sure your online sales pitch is spot on - that is where your keenest buyers will begin their search and you don't want to miss out.

So how do you prepare for viewings over the festive season?

In many ways staging a home for Christmas viewings is an opportunity, not a threat. Who among us does not imagine spending a family Christmas at a home when considering it for our next property purchase.

Having said that, there is a fine dividing line between evoking an atmosphere of charming, seasonal celebration and bombarding your viewers with low-flying inflatable Santas complete with flashing neon lights. The aim is to encourage would-be buyers to imagine their perfect Christmas in their new property, not make them feel as though they have gate-crashed a private family function.

When it comes to decorations, keep it classy and simple and you won't go far wrong.

Remember: first impressions count so your kerb-appeal is your opportunity to set a scene. Make sure the exterior is clean and tidy and looks well-maintained. Sweep the paths and clear fallen leaves and debris away from drains and gutters. Place a Christmas wreath on the front door as an introductory nod of welcome to the Christmas season, by all means, but avoid over the top seasonal lighting displays - they're not to everyone's taste.

Warm and cosy interiors

It's December so the chances are the weather is going to be either cold and frosty or wet and windy. Either way, there is nothing more welcoming than warm soft furnishings inside a home. Cushions, rugs and throws can make all the difference when you are trying to create a cosy ambience in a room. They make visitors relieved to be indoors, shielded from the winter weather.

Sofas and chairs can be refreshed with throws or cushions in matching shades and you could do similar with your bedding, too. Dark reds and greens, silver, gold and white are all festive shades to bear in mind and the textiles should be soft (velvet or faux-fur?) to enhance the feeling of cosiness you're trying to project.

Light their fire!

Nothing says 'you're welcome, here' more than a real fire. If you have a log burner, stove or open fire, make sure it's lit for viewings. If this isn't possible, make sure it's swept clean, shining and set ready for use.

If you've got gas or electric fires, again, make sure they're on low and providing a glow to the room - fires are a natural centrepiece and will grab the attention of everyone who views your property - especially in Winter. Make sure yours looks as good as it can be.

You know it makes scentsĀ 

One of the first things we notice when we enter a home for the first time is its scent. This is true at any time of the year whether the all-pervading aroma be coffee beans, fresh-cut flowers or baking bread. Christmas offers a range of sensory experiences that you can use to enhance the viewing experience but, again, don't go over the top with sprays and diffusers - you don't want their eyes to start smarting the minute they walk through the door.

If you have a real Christmas tree, it should provide sufficient recognisable seasonal aroma for the entire ground floor, if not, scented candles can work well or bowls of potpourri.

Banish the Christmas clutter

Even though Christmas is a time for attracting seemingly endless amounts of 'stuff,' try to keep your home clear of extraneous clutter when there are viewings scheduled. If the presents are heaped around the tree, clear most of them away. A few cards on the mantelpiece are fine but piles of unopened mail or discarded envelopes are less attractive. Clear away the wrapping paper and the sticky tape and scissors and pick up those carelessly discarded sweet wrappers accumulated during the Christmas movie before running the Hoover over the carpets. Create space for the buyers to build their own vision of a family Christmas and chances are a serious buyer will find you.

If you're selling a property at Christmas or, indeed, any time of year, at Key Property Consultants, we provide you with invaluable tips to ensure your next house move is effortless and smooth. Trust us to guide you through the moving process, whether you are a tenant, landlord, or homebuyer. Find out more here!

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